Medical Affairs Interest Form
Provider Partners
Interested in being a part of the committee?
The Hometown Health Medical Affairs Committee is a statewide physician committee consisting of providers across a variety of specialty types. The committee meets virtually on a monthly basis for one hour. The committee has responsibility to oversee the Credentialing Program and policies for Hometown Health in accordance with state, federal and NCQA accreditation standards. The primary role of the committee is to review physician applicants to the Hometown Health network to determine participation based on the Hometown Health Standards of Participation.
Benefits of being a part of the committee:
- Insight into the state, federal, and accreditation monitoring systems, such as NPDB, and how to stay compliant.
- Resume building.
- Contribution to the community to ensure high quality providers on the Hometown Health network.
- Leadership networking with physicians across the state.
- Regulatory and accreditation oversight process education.
- Contribution to credentialing policies and processes.