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Welcome to Hometown Health
Locally Owned, Not-for-Profit Health Insurance
Learn About Our Hometown Health Insurance Plans.
Northern Nevada’s only locally owned, not-for-profit health insurance provider. We offer excellent medical coverage and top-notch customer service to members through our parent company Renown Health. Hometown Health Coverage means access to Renown.
We offer a variety of health plans to fit your needs. Whether you are an individual, family or business owner we’ve got you covered.
Individual & Family Plans
Employer Group Plans
Senior Care
Third-Party Administration (TPA)
Small Group Employer Products
The Builders Association of Northern Nevada
Carson City Chamber of Commerce

Find a plan that’s right for you and your family!
Look for the Renown Health Plans on the Nevada Health Link. We offer a variety of Individual and Family Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans on Nevada’s Healthcare Marketplace.
Already a Member?
Find resources for MyChart, our Provider Directory, our Preferred Drug Lists, locate your Membership Card, and more on our Member Support Page.

Already a Member?
Find resources for MyChart, our Provider Directory, our Preferred Drug Lists, locate your Membership Card, and more on our Member Support Page.